The RBST Young Shepherds Grand Final is due to take place on Saturday 16th November at the English Winter Fair, Staffordshire County Showground. Competitors have qualified from a total of 25 shows and now they have the opportunity to compete for the title of RBST Young Shepherd of the Year 2024. There is a junior section for ages 8-12 and then a senior section for those 13-16 years of age. The standard of finalists is always incredibly high as you would expect, therefore the challenge of judging the grand final is a very difficult one and requires someone with significant experience and knowledge. This year we are delighted to announce that Thomas Arrowsmith has agreed to judge, this is particularly special as Thomas has successfully competed in this competition including being crowned Junior Champion in 2015.

Thomas has been involved with showing sheep from a very young age both in breed classes and Young handler competitions. His showing years began at around three years old showing his mums Manx Loaghtan primitive sheep, the first county show he competed at was The Staffordshire show where he won 1st prize , then shortly after began the hunt for his own breed , and so Devon & Cornwall Longwool sheep were purchased and kindly brought up to North Yorkshire by Carol Muddiman, this has been followed up by two trips to the South west to acquire additions to the flock. Many successes ensued in the show ring including winning the hotly contested qualifier at the Great Yorkshire Show, and on to win the RBST Young Shepherd of the year final down at The Royal Berkshire Show. He will put a different take on judging at the final, at 19, knowing what it takes to win and having experienced the ups and downs of the show ring.

The judge on that day was Mr Peter Titley , a man who was so respected and was an amazing ambassador for rare breeds , Thomas says ‘It will be an absolute honour to be able to judge the final and be able to present The Outlane Trophy to the winner as Peter was such a great inspiration for young people with rare breeds .

Thomas is now the chair of the York support group. He’s has been a part of the RBST raising funds, helping with parades and demo’s, also working at the Countryfile live event at Blenheim palace on the Adam’s farm area as an “Ask the farmer“ supporting RBST. Thomas and his family got involved with doing ‘Meet the Shepherd’ at agricultural shows which involved young people from he public coming into the ring and ‘showing the sheep’ under supervision , and is passionate about getting young people into rare breed farming.