What's Going On News DEFRA has recently published more details of the four new native breed actions available under the ELM scheme DEFRA has recently published more details of the four new native breed actions under ELM (actions being the new word for options). This Briefing summarises those details. It explains the circumstances in which the actions can be claimed, and what the recipient is required to do. The actions are available in two broad circumstances, firstly on various grazed habitats including agroforestry and organic land and secondly on extensive habitats, primarily moorland. In each case the payment rate is based on the density of the grazing, with the higher rate payable for the lower density. This Briefing only relates to England. The other three home countries are devising their own schemes. Native Breeds The options are available in respect pedigree registered animals of all the breeds on the NBAR list. It is possible the NBAR list will shortly be replaced by the Native Breed Support (NBS) list on which Defra recently consulted. Call for Evidence on updating the Native Breed at Risk (NBAR) List - Defra - Citizen Space As members will recall, RBST was opposed to most of what was proposed. RBST Consultation and Inquiry Responses | Rare Breeds Survival Trust Use of Native Breeds on Grazed Habitats There are two new actions, SPM2 and 3, available for native breeds on certain grazed habitats. Here are links to the full details. SPM2: Keep native breeds on grazed habitats supplement (50-80%) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) SPM3: Keep native breeds on grazed habitats supplement (more than 80%) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) SPM 2 pays £92 per Ha in respect of qualifying grassland habitats on which at least 50% of the grazing livestock units (GLU) are qualifying rare native breeds of livestock. SPM 3 pays £146 per Ha of qualifying grassland habitats where at least 80% of the GLU are qualifying rare native breeds The qualifying grassland habitats are habitats on which one or more of the following other ELM options are claimed. · Low input grassland · Agroforestry · Organic · Species rich grassland Each of these options is summarised below. Qualifying grazed habitat options Low input grassland CLIG3: Manage grassland with very low nutrient inputs CLIG3: Manage grassland with very low nutrient inputs - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) This is grassland which produces a sward with flowering grasses and wildflowers and on which tussocky grass allowed to develop. It is left to the claimant to decide how this is done. The purpose being to provide nectar and shelter for invertebrates and a food supply for farmland birds, support IPM and minimise nutrient use. SSSI land is eligible, but consent is required. Agroforestry AGF1: Maintain very low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land AGF1: Maintain very low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) AGF2: Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land AGF2: Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) For these purposes ‘very low density’ means that across the area in each land parcel there is an average of 30 to 50 trees per hectare. ‘Low density’ means there’s an average of 51 to 130 trees per hectare. In both cases the trees must be spaced in a way that means a forestry EIA is not required. The actions is available on an eligible in-field agroforestry system on less ‘sensitive’ agricultural land located below the moorland line. The actions are not available on SSSI Organic OFC1: Organic conversion – improved permanent grassland OFC1: Organic conversion – improved permanent grassland - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) OFC2: Organic conversion – unimproved permanent grassland OFC2: Organic conversion – unimproved permanent grassland - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) The aim of these actions is that improved and semi-improved (OFC1) and unimproved (OFC2) permanent grassland is converted from conventional management to organic management. The actions are available on agricultural land located below the moorland line that is registered as ‘in conversion’ with a Defra-licensed organic control body OFM1: Organic land management – unimproved permanent grassland OFM1: Organic land management – improved permanent grassland - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) OFM2: Organic land management – improved permanent grassland OFM2: Organic land management – unimproved permanent grassland - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) This aim of the Organic Land Management action is that improved and semi-improved grassland, and arable that will be converted to permanent grassland (OFM 1) and unimproved grassland (OFM 2) is maintained under organic management. The purpose being to improve soil health, increase biodiversity and improve water quality The Action is available on land below the moorland line that is registered as ‘fully organic’ by a Defra-licensed organic control body. SSSI land is eligible, but consent is required. Species rich grassland GRH6: Manage priority habitat species-rich grassland (endorsed) Details of this have yet to be announced. However, it will require approval from Natural England. Use of Native Breeds on Extensively Managed Habitats There are two options, SPM4 and 5, available for native breeds used on extensively managed habitats, moorland being the principal focus. SPM4: Keep native breeds on extensively managed habitats supplement (50-80%) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) SPM5: Keep native breeds on extensively managed habitats supplement (more than 80%) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) SPM 4 pays £7 per Ha in respect of qualifying moorland or lowland heathland habitats on which at least 50% of the grazing livestock units (GLU) are qualifying rare native breeds of livestock. SPM 5 pays £11 per Ha of qualifying moorland or lowland heathland habitats where at least 80% of the GLU are qualifying rare native breeds. Agroforestry AGF1: Maintain very low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land AGF2: Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land As above Upland Grazing UPL1: Moderate livestock grazing on moorland UPL1: Moderate livestock grazing on moorland - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) UPL2: Low livestock grazing on moorland UPL2: Low livestock grazing on moorland - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) UPL3: Limited livestock grazing on moorland UPL3: Limited livestock grazing on moorland - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) The Upland Grazing actions aim to ensure a level of moorland grazing so the habitat is maintained or enhanced alongside farming. It is available on land above the moorland line The purpose of the action is to prevent expansion of areas of bare ground, increase surface roughness, reduce diffuse pollution, improve water quality and flood risk management, provide habitats for moorland species and protect historic and archaeological features The grazing may be Moderate grazing (UPL1) - not exceeding 0.16 grazing livestock units Low grazing (UPL2) not exceeding 0.08 grazing livestock units (GLU) per ha at any time, or Limited (UPL3) not exceeding 0.04 grazing livestock units (GLU) per ha at any time. SSSI land is eligible, but consent is required. Shepherding UPL7: Shepherding livestock on moorland (no required stock removal period) UPL7: Shepherding livestock on moorland (no required stock removal period) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) UPL8: Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 4 months) UPL8: Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 4 months) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) UPL9: Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 6 months) UPL9: Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 6 months) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) UPL10: Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 8 months) The aim of the shepherding actions is that grazing on moorland is managed to avoid impacting features which are sensitive to damage from grazing. The purpose of this is to protect and improve habitats for birds, mammals and insects, reduce bare ground and soil erosion, improve water quality and protect historic and archaeological features UPL7 requires that when the livestock are on the moorland, reasonable steps must be taken to minimise their access to ‘sensitive features’ by shepherding or herding them away or using temporary fencing if that is possible It does not require livestock to be removed from the moorland, but this could be done for example, during lambing. Under the other shepherding Actions all livestock, except resident ponies, must be removed from the land for at least 4 consecutive calendar months (UPL8) or 6 months (UPL9) or 8 months (UPL10) ‘Resident ponies’ means ponies which are traditionally kept on the moorland, such as Dartmoor and Exmoor ponies. When the livestock are on the moorland reasonable steps must be taken to minimise their access to ‘sensitive features’ by shepherding or herding them away or using temporary fencing. SSSI land is eligible, but consent is required. Scrub and Open Habitats SCR1: Create scrub and open habitat mosaics SCR1: Create scrub and open habitat mosaics - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) SCR2: Manage scrub and open habitat mosaics SCR2: Manage scrub and open habitat mosaics - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) The aim of the Scrub and Open Habitats action is that there’s a mosaic of scrub, grasses and other flowering plants with scrub cover allowed to develop, and managed so the mosaic is maintained, a variety of species, heights, and structure and growing trees and deadwood, where relevant The purpose of this is to: provide pollen and nectar sources for beneficial insects, such as bumble bees, solitary bees and butterflies provide food and habitats for birds and mammals improve the quality of woodland edges and transitions between other habitats protect soils and watercourses by reducing soil erosion The actions are available on land located below the moorland line that has got existing scrub cover on less than 10% (SCR1) or 10% or more (SCR2) For both actions, the land must be managed in a way that can reasonably be expected to achieve the relevant action’s aim, and some suggestions on how this can be done are given, There are also a number of prohibitions. In SCR 1 these include grazing with livestock !? SSSI land is ineligible for these actions. Organic Management OFM3: Organic land management – enclosed rough grazing OFM3: Organic land management – enclosed rough grazing - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) This aim of the action is to maintain rough grazing under organic management. It is available on land that is located in a SDA above the moorland line, which is registered as fully organic and in an enclosed land parcel that’s less than 15ha. The only obligation is to comply with the organic standards required by the organic control body. If the land is SSSI, consent will be required. Managed Rough Grazing GRH1: Manage rough grazing for birds GRH1: Manage rough grazing for birds - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) The grassland must be managed by grazing or cutting it in a way that can reasonably be expected to achieve this action’s aim. SSSI land is eligible, but consent is required.