What's Going On News RBST Chair John Atkinson talks native breeds with new DEFRA ministers On Thursday of this week, RBST Chair John Atkinson, met with DEFRA ministers Daniel Zeichner and Sue Hayman and senior Defra official to discuss farming with native breeds. “It was good to catch up with Daniel and Sue”, John said “Last time we spoke they were in opposition, and it was great to meet Janet Hughes from the first time in person. “I explained the vital role native cattle were playing in local conservation grazing projects and the possibility of doing much more if the incentives were better. “I was pleased they acknowledged that progress in changing farm support was slow and that they accepted was still much to do, but they were keen to get across there was good news on the horizon. On native breed support in particular they admitted that more discussions were needed. “We discussed how FIPL funding had transformed three local farming businesses and provided an excellent mechanism for supporting more entrepreneurial farmers which should be continued. “And of course, I raised the perilous state of the local abattoir network, highlighting that without it the future for sustainable livestock farming was bleak, adding it was ridiculous that we have reached the point were once valuable products are now being shredded and sent to biodigestors.”