Key Characteristics

The Lonk is one of the largest hill breeds native to the UK. It has clear black and white legs and face, with the two colours not merging. They have a white fleece that should be totally free of any kemp. Both genders are horned.

Being strong boned and well wooled it is an agile sheep well able to withstand most exacting climates.

Improved and pure bred by farmers in the Lancashire and Yorkshire Pennines since the inception of the flock book from the breed in 1905 its main qualities of hardiness, size, health and freedom from disease, colour, depth and uniformity of coat and its longevity have been rigorously preserved.


The Lonk sheep breed is over 200 years old, bred on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Pennines, the breed can be traced back for several centuries with one existing flock having full records to 1740. The Lonk Sheep Breeders Association was established in 1905.


The Lonk Sheep is a strong boned and well woolled animal, that is able to produce a very good quality lamb.

Due to the breeds confirmation the Lonk ewe crossed with downland breeds regularly produces quick growing twins which can mature in the autumn to produce a high quality tasting product. Lonk ewes have gained an enviable reputation for producing the right tight coated lamb with the extra length and the right fat-lean combination which is sought after by today’s selective markets.

The Lonk wether also will grow to weights of 40-46Kg and are sought after by today’s selective market, it has been used by one of the leading chefs in the country and won the Great British menu for the Lonk Hotpot.

Breed Societies

For more information visit the Lonk Sheep Breeders Association.