Press release: 5 July 2021


Jimmy’s Farm & Wildlife Park becomes first Rare Breeds Approved Associate


Jimmy’s Farm & Wildlife Park has become the first recipient of Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST)’s new Rare Breeds Approved Associate accreditation, in recognition of the farm’s excellence in education about the importance of Britain’s endangered native livestock and equine breeds and its work to conserve their unique genetic characteristics.


Jimmy Doherty, founder of Jimmy’s Farm & Wildlife Park, has been President of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust since 2017. He said: “We are proud to be a member of RBST and becoming the first Approved Associate epitomises what we stand for and reflects the hard work that the livestock team does to ensure we play our part in rare breed conservation. Although Jimmy’s Farm has evolved into a wildlife park, our native breeds remain close to our hearts and we continue to share RBST’s mission to ensure that we don’t lose the incredible diversity of breeds that are part of our heritage.”


Jimmy’s Farm & Wildlife Park, based near Ipswich in Suffolk, is also accredited with zoo status by the British Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA). It provides education and conservation for more than 80 different species including endangered mammals, reptiles, and invertebrates. The farm runs crucial breeding programmes which help towards the survival of a number of Priority rare native livestock and equine breeds including Suffolk Punch horses, Large Black pigs and Middle white pigs as well as At Risk breeds such as British White cattle, Devon Closewool sheep and Bagot goats.


Christopher Price, Chief Executive of Rare Breeds Survival Trust, said: “We are thrilled to award Jimmy’s Farm and Wildlife Park our first ever Approved Associate accreditation. RBST has administered a successful accreditation scheme for farm parks for many years, creating a strong network which makes an important contribution for rare breeds survival. But interest has been growing from establishments which differ in mission and scope from farm parks but which are dedicated to RBST’s rare breed conservation objectives and values. Our new Approved Associate scheme provides the opportunity to extend the benefits of RBST Approval for our rare breeds. I congratulate the team at Jimmy’s Farm on becoming the first Rare Breeds Approved Associate, and I thank Jimmy for his ongoing leadership and dedication as RBST President.”


Like RBST’s farm park accreditation scheme, the new Rare Breeds Approved Associate scheme sets standards of information and procedures, provides advice, and co-ordinates joint conservation projects. To find out more about becoming a Rare Breeds Approved Associate, contact RBST Farm Parks Officer Andrea Parry-Jones at [email protected].




Isobel Davidson, [email protected] or 07725 470917





  • Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) is the sole charity dedicated to promoting and preserving the UKs rare and native breeds of farm livestock. Started in 1973, RBST monitors numbers of animals, and threats of inbreeding and geographical concentration. It promotes the breeding and registration of rare and native breeds. Through its 4,500 members, staff and support groups it provides a network of knowledge to support and encourage breeders to reduce these threats. See the website
  • The latest RBST Watchlist was published in April 2021, it can be found at