The increasing awareness of sustainable farming, taking account not only of the need to feed the human population but also to protect our natural environment, is nothing but good news for our native breeds of livestock.

RBST members already know that naturally-reared, predominantly grass-fed, animals are both kinder to the environment and deliver a far superior taste experience and that grazing animals are essential to maintaining our landscape. However, it is critical to the future of native breeds that this message is understood by a much wider audience. If we create the demand for native breeds and their produce, we secure their future.

To help meet this challenge, RBST is aligning itself with a growing network of organisations who aims and objectives are sympathetic to its own. By adding our voice to theirs - and theirs to ours - we can achieve a joined-up approach that will have a far greater chance of being heard not only by the greater public but by the influencers in Government.

Already working in partnership with bodies such as the Sustainable Food Trust and Plantlife, RBST has extended its partnership network by joining the Nature Friendly Farming Network, Sustain, Uplands Alliance and Wildlife and Countryside Link.

The Nature Friendly (NFFN) Farming Network was established by a group of farmers who cham
pion farming that is both sustainable and good for nature. Their key aims are to show that farming and nature can go hand in hand and to secure positive changes in policy to support farmers who play a role in helping wildlife flourish on their farms. The network is open to farmers and the general public and there is no cost to join. The NFFN has published a manifesto that can be found on its website.

The Uplands Alliance is a network of organisations and individuals who are passionate about land management in the uplands, embracing a wide range of interests, including farming and landscape. The Alliance is not a legal entity in its own right, but acts as a neutral umbrella under which people can come together to discuss policy issues that affect the uplands. You can follow the Uplands Alliance on Twitter (@UplandsAlliance).

Sustain represents around 100 national public interest organisations working at every level from 
international to local that are wholly or partly interested in food or farming issues. It is an alliance that advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and promote equity. Sustain is not open to individual membership but you can subscribe to its projects or newsletter at their website.

Wildlife and Countryside Link (Link) is the largest environment and wildlife coalition in England, bringing together 54 organisations to use their strong joint voice for the protection of nature. Their members campaign to conserve, enhance and access our landscapes, animals, plants, habitats, rivers and seas.