Key Characteristics

Their curly plumage means that birds are not able to fly. 


  • The place of origin, the drainage basin of the River Danube and Black Sea area, gives it the title: Sebastopol Goose.
  • Sir Edward Brown maintained that the earliest Sebastopols were imported here in 1859, shortly after the Crimean War.  
  • Reported in the English press in 1860, the imported birds were exhibited at The Crystal Palace Poultry Show.
  • An engraving depicts a pair of smooth-breasted birds, each weighing 11lbs.


  • There are two main feather-types: the smooth-breasted and the curled-feather. 
  • The first is basically a normal, smooth-feathered bird apart from exceptionally long, trailing scapular and thigh feathers that form a dense canopy of silky ribbons that often reach the floor.
  • The second type has a much curlier appearance. The breast tends to be covered in a mass of tightly curled feathers; the wing and thigh coverts are reduced to long wisps and ribbons; 
  • The size of modern birds range from  12 – 16 lbs for males to 10 – 14 lbs for females.


Birds can be kept for meat although most are just ornamental. 

Did you know?

The breed has a number of names. The French have called it l’oie frisse, and the Germans Lockengäns.